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Rytha Petrossky


The problem in this research is the influence of teachers' role as a guide towards learning motivation for students in the state of Junior high School 2 Tanjung Lubuk District in the OKI Regency? The purpose of this research is to know the influence of teacher role as a mentor towards student motivation to study in the state Junior high School 2 Tanjung Lubuk in OKI district. The method used is a quantitative descriptive method with a correlation approach. The research technique uses a poll that is spread to 54 researches, documentation to obtain the data of students. The poll consists of two variables: variable (X) teacher role as mentor and variable (Y) Learning motivation. Where the variable (X) consists of 20 items and the variable (Y) consists of 20 items. Analysis of the data used is product moment analysis and significant test (Test T). Based on the research analysis, the significant test calculation (T-Test) of T_ value obtained is greater than R_tabel (3, 5293 > 1.67469). So it can be concluded that the role of teacher as a mentor has a significant influence on motivation to learn students. It is advised that teachers should besides teach; provide guidance to improve student motivation. Students are expected to motivate themselves in learning to be able to achieve maximum achievement.

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How to Cite
Petrossky, R. (2019). TEACHERS ROLE AS MENTOR TOWARD STUDENTS LEARNING MOTIVATION. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GLOBAL EDUCATION, 1(1), 791-803. Retrieved from https://ejurnal.unespadang.ac.id/index.php/ICGE/article/view/6


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