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Sumartono Sumartono


Covid-19 has changed the face of learning in Indonesia. So far, the teaching and learning process has focused on face-to-face or offline. That is, lecturers and students meet in the classroom. However, the atmosphere has changed because Covid-19 has changed the order of life not only in Indonesia but also in the world. Likewise, the world of higher education has also been affected by Covid-19 and has had to adapt by doing online learning. Covid-19, which infects the whole world to the point of a pandemic, on the one hand becomes an epidemic, but on the other it becomes a container. Because the positive side of the pandemic causes the learning process to be no longer based on a lecturer center but a student center at the same time creating a space for creativity and educational innovation. Learning communication is no longer monologic but dialogical.

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How to Cite
Sumartono, S. (2022). LEARNING COMMUNICATION IN A PANDEMIC. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GLOBAL EDUCATION, 600-605. Retrieved from https://ejurnal.unespadang.ac.id/index.php/ICGE/article/view/144


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